Consultation and Supervision
I offer consultation for Connecticut licensed psychotherapists therapists, specializing in Licensed Marital and Family Therapists (LMFT's). I also offer regular supervision for Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Associates (LMFTA's) working towards their LMFT.
My approach to consultation and supervision is what I call: A Developmental - Experiential - Metaframeworks Paramodern Approach. This includes:
Development: The type of input provided is based on where the therapist is in their growth, taking into account experience, as well as expertise. One basic assumption here is that regardless of experience, there is no end to the growth-potential of a psychotherapist, as is the case in the human condition.
Experiential: Self-of-the-therapist, as well as the dynamic between the therapist and the consultant/supervisor, is taken into consideration as a source of information from which to glean perspective on the clinical work. Attention is focused on the in-the-moment experience of doing therapy, as well as the direct experience with the consultant/supervisor, in order to facilitate growth.
Metaframeworks: The philosophy emphasizing that people have a natural growth potential. Rather than people being at a deficit of skill or otherwise, the assumption here is that people seek help because something is constraining or blocking them in one of several possible domains (individual, sequences, organization, development, culture, gender, biology, and spirit).
Wisdom: Lastly, the “development of wisdom” makes sure the therapist and supervisor/consultant do not lose sight of the aesthetic, humanistic aspects, and at times transpersonal aspects of doing therapy, leaning the framework towards a post-modern paradigm.